​Grand Harbour Heritage Dinner Cruise​


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Enjoy a magical sunset cruise with FAA on Sat 28th July, 7.30pm, on board the beautiful yacht Fernandes I, sailing into Grand Harbour accompanied by an informative commentary in English by guide and historian Gabriel Gauci. After a lavish buffet dinner in the Grand Harbour we shall sail on for a wonderful evening swim in a stunning bay.

Date: Saturday 28 July 2018, boarding 6.45pm, departure Sliema Ferries, 7.00pm sharp.

Cost including welcome drink, buffet dinner with wine and water as well as guide:
€42 per Person for FAA Members,
€45 per Person for non-Members.

Anticipated return to Sliema Ferries at midnight.

Bookings:https://ticketengine.faa.org.mt/ or contact Jorg on mob: 7923 7237.

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