Valletta Gardens


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Hastings Gardens, Valletta
Located on St. John’s Bastion and St. Michael’s Bastion, on the west side of the City Gate, Hastings Garden offers stunning views of Floriana, Msida, Sliema, and Manoel Island and breath-taking sunsets. Terraced on two levels with plenty of benches, this is the perfect place in Valetta to relax, and Hastings Gardens are very popular with local residents and tourists alike. The gardens are embellished by historic monuments and are dedicated to Lord Hastings, a governor of Malta whose grave can be found in this garden. The far end of the garden overlooking Sliema Creek was famous for one of Valletta’s windmills which could take advantage of the high winds there, and in fact the building that replaced it was called ‘The House of the Four Winds’.

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Upper Barrakka Gardens, Valletta
Whatever you do in Malta, do not miss the Upper Barrakka Gardens located at the highest point on Valletta’s bastions in order to enjoy the Barrakka’s breath-taking views of the largest natural harbour in the Mediterranean. With the Three Cities as its backdrop, this harbour has dictated Malta’s history since history began. Created as a recreation area for the Knights of St John, this garden also boasts interesting monuments and colourful plantings, as well as access to the passenger lift to the Grand Harbour. Read more here.

Opening hours: 07.00 – 22.00
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Lower Barrakka Gardens, Valletta
The younger sister of the ‘Upper Barrakka’, this garden perches on the bastion edge overlooking the entrance to Grand Harbour, commanding a superb viewpoint from the harbour mouth over to Fort Ricasoli, Bighi Palace, Fort St. Angelo and the creeks of Vittoriosa and Kalkara, the Grand Harbour and the Three Cities. The main attraction within the garden is a monument in the form of an ancient Greek Doric temple dedicated to Sir Alexander Ball, one of the leaders of the Maltese insurgents against the French in the 1798 uprising. Since it is not as well-known as the Upper Barrakka, this garden is not usually crowded, so enjoy the tranquility of this little green oasis.
Opening hours: 07.00 – 22.00

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