When the Romans took over Malta in 218BC it had the status of part of the province of Sicily, not a colony. The Romans reformed governance and religion while the city of Melite increased greatly in size thanks to the prosperity created by trade with Rome.
Malta saret parti tal-Imperu Ruman fis-sena 218QK mhux bhala kolonja imma bhala parti mil-provinċja ta’ Sqallija. L-okkupażżjoni Rumana ġabet riformi fil-governanża u fir-reliġjon u li l-belt ta’ Melite kibret ħafna grazzi għal gid li ġabet iz-zieda fil-kummerċ ma’ Ruma.
Quando i Romani conquistarono Malta nel 218 aC, davano lo status di parte di provincia della Sicilia, non colonia. I Romani riformarono la governance e la religione mentre la città di Melite aumentava di dimensioni grazie alla prosperità creata dal commercio con Roma.
Le tout premier contact enregistré des îles maltaises avec les Romains fut une occasion manquée pour ces derniers. En 255 av. J.-C., pendant la Première Guerre punique, la flotte romaine rentrait d’une expédition en Afrique lorsqu’elle fit escale à Malte, pilla tout ce qu’elle pouvait emporter et dévasta le reste. De toute évidence, à l’époque, […]
Der erste aufgezeichnete Kontakt der Römer mit den maltesischen Insel war eine verpasste Chance für die Römer. Im Jahr 255 v.Chr., während des Ersten Punischen Krieges, war eine Römische Flotte auf dem Rückweg einer Expedition in Afrika. Als sie auf Malta stießen, plünderten sie alles, was sie tragen konnten und zerstören, was übrigblieb. Offensichtlich erkannten […]
440 to 530AD was a bloody period as Germanic Vandals and Ostrogoths warred over southern Europe, however Byzantium’s 533AD victory over the Vandals in Sicily led to Byzantium ruling Malta for more than three centuries as an outlying guard and Muslim target.
Même si nous savons que la période romaine fut mentionnée dans les archives romaines, et que la période arabe maltaise fut couverte par des historiens arabes à son tour, les siècles intermédiaires demeurent un mystère. Toutes les recherches d’informations sur les décennies de contrôle germanique, durant le siècle où Malte est passée de la domination […]
It is rare that construction contributes positively to the preservation of Malta’s heritage, but on the 3rd of February 1881, a Public Works employee digging in the area known as it-Tomba, outside Mdina, unearthed a splendid mosaic pavement. Architect Luigi Emanuele Galizia, head of Public Works, investigated and the public was so excited by the […]
Many archaeological remains are found by chance, when digging for other reasons. The remains of Roman baths at Għajn Tuffieħa are such a case, discovered in 1929 during government works to use a fresh water spring to water fields in the area. This and other nearby springs might explain why the baths, which needed a […]
If there is one site in Malta that transcends the ages, it is that of San Pawl Milqi, the ruin of a prehistoric site, the largest Roman agricultural villa in Malta and the site of a Catholic church. This site overlooks Burmarrad plain, one of Malta’s most fertile valleys, however in Roman times it had […]
The Early Christian Remains at Tas-Silġ and San Pawl Milqi, Malta: a reconsideration of the archaeological evidence Mario Buhagiar The important remains at Tas-Silġ and San Pawl Milqi have since their investigation by an Italian Mission from the University of Rome, between 1963 and 1970, been generally regarded as important testimonies to early Christianity in […]
The Rabat Qanat QANAT, SAQQAJJA & ROMAN AQUEDUCT SYSTEM at RABAT, MALTA Fr. Eugene Paul Teuma O.F.M. Conv. Water was and always will remain mankind’s most vital element. Man’s advancement from a wandering group of people to a settled farmer community, tribe, people, then civilization depended on the abundant availability of this substance. Until that […]
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