The Knights of St John hailed from most of the noble families of Europe. There is no doubt that with their arrival in Malta in 1530, they brought with them very strong influences from the Courts of Europe as well as some traces of their previous abode in the Greek island of Rhodes. Music […]
Antoine de Favray (1706-1798) was a masterful artist who made significant contributions to the European painting scene, particularly through his adeptness in the Grand Manner style, characterized by its lofty subjects and meticulous execution. Born in Bagnolet, near Paris, Favray’s journey into the world of art began later in life. He commenced his career in […]
Clothes really do chart our history in a way that little else can. From the mini-skirted 1960s to the bustles and tussles of the Victorian era, the way things were worn can offer incredible insight into the thinking and ideologies of the day. And now, thanks to an exhibition of portraits and folkloristic scenes by […]
Early photographs of interiors of buildings in Malta, especially private homes, turn out to be relatively rare. One reason for this may be that, up to the first quarter of the 20th century, photography then relied on slow, light-sensitive emulsion and required abundant light, available only outdoors or, alternatively, long exposures by a camera stabilised […]
Drawn to Malta by his ambition and that of Grand Master de Redin, Preti spent 40 years working in Malta, painting many more works than just those in St John’s Co-Cathedral; Malta’s art heritage forever enriched by the ambition of these two men.
Excluding the fragmentary remains of murals in theEarly Christian hypogea, notably in the St. Agathacomplex, outside the ditch of Roman Mdina
The catacombs of St Agatha in Rabat are not only important landmarks in the history of Catholic culture in the Maltese islands but are also home to priceless murals and frescoes that decorate the walls of this ancient place of worship.
Although isolated, Malta’s art is rich and varied, starting with the decorations of its Neolithic temples, continuing with medieval religious art, reaching its apex with the Baroque art of the Knights’ period, while Maltese artists finally come to the fore in the nineteenth century.
Għalkemm maqtugħha għaliha, Malta dejjem kellha wirt artistiku għani u varjat, sa mill-bidu nett permezz tad-dekorazzjonijiet fit-tempji Neolitiċi, li kompliet bl-affreski li naraw fil-kappelli medjevali, u li laħaq il-quċċata tiegħu bl-arti Barokka ta’ zmien il Kavallieri.
Obwohl Maltas Kunst isoliert wirkt, ist sie reich und vielseitig, beginnend mit den Dekorationen der jungsteinzeitlichen Tempel, welche gewidmet wurden für den Kult der Fruchtbarkeit.
L’arte di Malta è ricca e variegata, a partire dalle decorazioni dei suoi templi neolitici, proseguendo con l’arte religiosa medievale, e raggiungendo il suo apice con l’arte barocca del periodo dei Cavalieri, mentre gli artisti maltesi vengono alla ribalta nel XIX secolo .
Emvin Cremona was among the foremost Maltese painters of the twentieth century, soon becoming a formidable name in the fields of landscape, church decoration and, later, stamp-design and abstract painting.
Expelled from Rhodes in 1523, the Knights of St John arrived in Malta in 1530 with their treasures – a rich collection of holy relics, icons, church silver, tapestries, sacred vestments, and different objets d’art that combined their European heritage with Byzantine styles.
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