
Knights Quest

The Knights’ Quest https://sites.google.com/view/the-knights-quest/home?authuser=1 In the heart of the Mediterranean, on the sun-kissed island of Malta, three inseparable friends, Marija, Pawlu, and Isaac, were looking for adventure. Birgu, their hometown, was a lovely, historic place, but too quiet for fearless Marija, sporty Pawlu, and brainy, curious Isaac. It wasn’t always like this. When the Knights […]

Arab Rule in Gozo

After Muhammad’s death in 632 AD, Islam spread across the whole of the Middle East and North Africa as far as Spain and Sicily, with Malta falling to the Muslims in 870 AD after three centuries of Byzantine rule. The effects of that conquest caused ripples across the centuries that can be felt up to […]

Les Meilleures Attractions et Visites de Malte.

Malte est le plus petit pays de l’Union Européenne. Cependant, ce qui lui manque en taille est ce qui fait son charme. C’est un pays avec une telle concentration de patrimoine et de jolis sites, qu’il est important de planifier son voyage avant d’arriver.

Malta At War I : Conscription, Rationing and the Mediterranean Campaigns

This series of articles commemorating the 70th anniversary of Malta’s role World War II recalls the situation after the end of the blitz on HMS Illustrious in January 1941 and the heavy Luftwaffe attacks on the island which continued until May of that year.

Malta At War II – The Battle for the Mediterranean

In September and October 1941, Malta, which had by then become a prime target for Italian and German bombers, continued to be reinforced by air and sea: fighter aircraft for the defence of the island and also another convoy to strengthen the garrison.

Bormla/Cospicua Fortifications

Bormla lies just outside both Birgu and Isla, and therefore was an important first line of defence. The first stone of the bastions designed to surround the town of Bormla, known as the Santa Margherita or Firenzuola Lines, was laid on the 30th December 1638.

Les Gonna tal-Kmand (Jardins des Commandants)

Les Gonna tal-Kmand (jardins des commandants) ont été créés par Sir Alexander Ball, le commandant de la marine du blocus contre les Français, à l’usage du lieutenant temporaire de chaque village. Son amour pour la nature et son désir d’encourager la loyauté des chefs de milices locaux ont conduit à la construction de 21 jardins […]

Les Jardins de Floriana

Sa Maison Garden, Floriana Ce magnifique jardin est nommé à la mémoire de Lady Julia Lockwood qui a vécu ici de 1842 à 1856 jusqu’à la prise en charge par l’armée britannique. Ce jardin offre une vue imprenable sur la marina de Msida en direction de Pieta, Msida et Ta ’Xbiex. Plein de végétation colorée, […]

Maltese Society Before the Great Siege

Talk, Wednesday 8th May 2019, 6.30pm – During the sixteenth century the Spanish Crown granted Malta to the Order of St John, which immediately set off a process of transformation of the Islands from a backwater to a cosmopolitan hub in the Mediterranean. In this FAA presentation Ryan Grech shall explore Maltese society on the […]

Grand Master’s Palace and Armoury

The most grandiose of Malta’s palace interiors, the Grand Master’s Palace was meant to be built elsewhere, then started llife as three houses joined up to form a palace, and is now the office of the President of Malta – said to be haunted!

Global view of the fountain and the sculpture with those stunning arches -Photo by Fran

Valletta Gardens

Valletta has a lot to offer, so as its gardens! Here is a list of the main gardens of the capital city.

Global view of the fountain and the sculpture with those stunning arches -Photo by Fran

Jardins de La Valette

De passage à la Valette, faites un tour dans ces plus beaux jardins ! Avec de magnifiques vues sur le grand Harbour notamment, ces jardins sont superbement décorés de fleurs et de monuments uniques.

Tour of San Anton Palace

FAA is delighted to organise private tours of San Anton Palace and its beautiful staterooms which are rarely open to the public. These tours are being organised in conjunction with the the Sustainable Regeneration of Built Heritage Initiative, led by Perit Amber Wismayer under the auspices of HE, the President of Malta, which adopted San […]

Baroque Architecture

In the early 17th century, the new style of Baroque which started as a Counter-Reformation design adopted by theRoman Catholic Church in Italy, spread through the Roman Catholic countries of Europe.

Talk on Takeover of the Knights in 1530 + Countryside Walk

Contrary to what is generally thought, the Knights of St John were not keen to set up their base in Malta, the barren and isolated southernmost outpost of Malta. The granting of Malta to the homeless Knights of St John in 1530 was a long-protracted issue.

L’occupation Française

Le 9 Juin 1798, une flotte française naviguant vers l’Egypte avec 30 000 hommes, sous Napoléon, est arrivée massivement à la ville fortifiée de la Valette, gouvernée par les chevaliers de Saint John. Un chevalier français de Malte relate cet évènement en ces termes : « Le peuple Maltais a vu de leur poste d’observation, […]

~~Mysteries Of the Maltese ‘Gallarija’

In May 1657, Vincenso de Bono petitioned the Grand Master for permission to add “un balcone di tre saliature” to his house in the lane over the Biccerija in Valletta. Lascaris, about to pass away, gladly issued the permit, considering that “it would not be of prejudice to private or public interests; in fact, it […]

Il-Maċina, Senglea

Il-Maċina was a masting-crane mounted on the rampart known as Sheer Bastion from where its sheer-legs would raise masts and lower them into galleys moored beneath. Although obsolete by 1886, il-Macina remained an important focus-point for the area…


Attard Gardens

Sant Anton Gardens, Attard The beautiful public garden of Sant Anton forms part of the President of Malta’s official residence, and makes for a lovely walk under mature trees and through pretty walkways. Each corner of the gardens offers something unique and each area is dotted with sculptures, fountains and a variety of flora from […]

Floriana Gardens

Close to Valletta, Floriana has pretty gardens to see. Sa Maison Gardens, Argotti Botanical Gardens, St Philip gardens and few others are nice to visit. Click on this article to see more informations

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