
​Grand Harbour Heritage Dinner Cruise​

Enjoy a magical sunset dinner cruise with FAA on Sat 28th July, 7.30pm, on board the beautiful yacht Fernandes I, accompanied by an informative commentary. After dinner we’ll enjoy a wonderful evening swim in a stunning bay.

St. Agatha’s Chapel

The chapel of St. Agatha in the ancient capital city of Mdina is of great historical interest dating back as it does to 1410.

Malta Medievale

Per tutto il Medioevo, le fortune delle isole Maltesi erano legate a quelle dei reali e dei nobili Europei. Nel 1282 una rivolta, conosciuta come quella dei Vespri Siciliani, in cui i ribelli Siciliani uccisero 3000 Francesi, uomini e donne e Re Carlo della dinastia Angioina perse il controllo dell’isola. Pietro III di Aragona fu […]

Malta During World War II

This series of articles commemorating the 70th anniversary of Malta’s role World War II : Some historical facts

Malta At War V : The Convoy that Saved Malta from Surrender

In 2012 Malta is celebrating the 70th anniversary of the award of the George Cross on April 15, 1942, and the arrival of the convoy codenamed Operation Pedestal, commonly known as the Santa Marija Convoy, on August 15 of that year

Talk on Order of St Michael and St George

In spite of not being as well known as the Knights of St John of Jerusalem, the Order that is normally associated with Malta, the Order of St Michael and St George also has an intriguing history. The Order of St Michael and St George was founded by the British government simultaneously in Corfu and […]

Malte phénicienne/punique

Les Phéniciens étaient un peuple de marins vivant le long de la côte levantine et naviguant au-delà des limites du monde connu de leur époque. Bien qu’ils soient connus pour avoir largement développé, voir inventé l’alphabet, ils ne laissèrent aucun compte rendu écrit de leur histoire. C’est ainsi grâce aux restes de poterie et au […]

Malta Preistorica – italiano

L’uomo arrivò per la prima volta a Malta intorno al 5200 a.C., probabilmente dalla Sicilia (circa a 100/60 km a nord) e formò comunità agricole e di pescatori. Quello che è rimasto di queste comunità, sono i frammenti di statuette intagliate che enfatizzano le caratteristiche femminili, quali culto della fertilità. Questo o poco più si […]

Vittoriosa Holy Week Tour

Join Flimkien għal Ambient Aħjar and our expert guide Vincent Zammit on a Holy Week tour of Vittoriosa, for a deeper understanding of Malta’s of Good Friday and Easter traditions.
Meeting near Couvre Porte of Birgu 19.00 Bookings: https://ticketengine.faa.org.mt/

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