Step back in time as we journey through Medieval Mdina, a city shrouded in mystery.
But in the year 1425, the city was anything but peaceful.
Discover why danger lurked at every turn, and civil wars raged between power-
hungry nobles and seafaring, piratical Knights. Feel the weight of history as you
wander through the narrow medieval off beaten streets. See and touch the rough
stone walls that have withstood the test of time and more.
As you explore Mdina’s silent streets, you’ll get a taste of what life was like during
this dark, turbulent time and hear of a world of intrigue, adultery, and forbidden love.
Amidst this chaos, uncover how a select few noble families rose to power using
calculated tactics and shrewd political manoeuvring. Through their triumphs and
tragedies, you’ll discover how these noble families shaped the future of Malta and
the Mediterranean, leaving a lasting legacy that still echoes through the ages.
So come join us on this unforgettable journey through the history and secrets of
Mdina’s silent streets.
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