The obelisk that moved


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In Malta, driving towards Valletta, you see a large obelisk amidst the many lanes of traffic fighting their way to work. This monument is Spencer Obelisk and has a connection to a future king of England.

The obelisk was built in June 1831. It was inaugurated on Kordin heights overlooking the Grand Harbour. The crew of HSM Madagascar commissioned this obelisk to remember the late Captain Robert Spencer.

Captain Spencer was the second son of the second Earl of Spencer. (This makes him Prince William’s great-great-great-great uncle from his mother’s side.) His life in the Navy included accompanying Lord Nelson to the West Indies, and he also took part in the Battle of New Orleans.

While in Alexandria, Egypt, Spencer was taken ill and he died on board the Madagascar. Some reports claim that he died on board while still in Alexandria, others state that he died while in quarantine in Malta. Either way, his body was brought to rest in Malta and buried in St Micheal’s Bastion. This forms part of the fortifications around Valletta that the Knights had built. Since then, this is sometimes referred to as Spencer Bastion in the Captain’s honour. Today you can walk around the top of the bastions in the appropriately named Hastings Garden.

He was well-loved by his crew which led to them commissioning the obelisk.

In 1895, the British Navy recommended moving the obelisk. The authorities correctly realised that enemy battleship could bomb the dockyard using the obelisk as a marker. The obelisk was promptly moved to Blata L-Bajda which is where it still stands to this day.

Antoine Borg

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